Statistiques de l'entraîneur CATANIA MME G.

Tout bon turfiste se doit d'étudier avec intérêt l'historique et les statistiques des participants d'une course afin de détecter les meilleurs chevaux. C'est ce que font nos pronostiqueurs avec leurs Tickets Quinté.

Prono-Quinté vous propose gratuitement les historiques et les statistiques des chevaux, jockeys et entraîneurs comme l'entraîneur BRUNTON S. afin de détecter l'état de forme de BRUNTON S.. La bonne information est toujours l'ami des parieurs lorsqu'il vient le moment de valider son pronostic quinté.

N'oubliez pas de prendre également en compte les statistiques des chevaux et jockeys ayant collaboré avec CATANIA MME G..

5 €

Fiche d'identité

Discipline favorite :Plat
Jockey préféré :PIRES D.
Cheval préféré :Royal Rapture

Statistiques Carrière

Nombre de courses disputées :52
Nombre de victoires :9 (17 %)
Nombre de 2e place :3 (6 %)
Nombre de 3e place :7 (13 %)
Total Gains Carrière :0 €

Historique des courses de BRUNTON S.

Date Prix Hippodrome Cheval Jockey Discip. Arrivée
09/12/2020 Alfa Bowl Sponsored By The Larter Family LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Neutralize CATANIA MME G.
09/12/2020 Buckby Motors Maiden LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Reite Den Blitz CATANIA MME G.
09/12/2020 Cressy Chaff Cutters Longford Cup New Ye... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Kuroset CATANIA MME G.
09/12/2020 Cressy Chaff Cutters Longford Cup New Ye... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Remigny Ianish Luximon
25/03/2020 Pfd Food Services Class 1 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Huon Chief DAVID PIRES
25/03/2020 The Examiner Benchmark 66 Hcp LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Queen'S Needs DAVID PIRES
18/03/2020 Skillinvest Benchmark 84 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Uber Ed PIRES D.
11/12/2019 Ross Community Sports Club Maiden LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Banca Nip PIRES D.
11/12/2019 Ingleby Farms Benchmark 60 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Reliable Magic PIRES D.
27/11/2019 Kevin Sharkie Benchmark 84 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Savs Finale CARR MLLE S.
27/11/2019 Steve'S Liquor Benchmark 66 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Sir Simon SCARLET S.
27/11/2019 Awm Electrical Benchmark 74 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Earl da Vinci CATANIA MME G.
20/11/2019 Tas Hospitality Association Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Reliable Magic JACK MARTIN A
20/11/2019 Tas Hospitality Association Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA The Decider PIRES D.
20/11/2019 Treasury Wines Open Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Ruettiger PIRES D.
20/11/2019 Adam Page Rock Maiden Class 1 LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Mister Chic RESERVISTE 1
06/11/2019 Newsxpress Georgetown Class 1 Hcp LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Needs Amore MARTIN Ja.
27/03/2019 Rotary Club Of Central Launceston Benchm... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Angel Of The Abyss TEAGAN VOORHAM
27/03/2019 Anzac Eve Race LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Kenjorwood GRAHAM C.
27/03/2019 Anzac Eve Race LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Agree to CARR MLLE S.
13/02/2019 Armidale Stud Sydeston Night Cup LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Kenjorwood NON COMMUNIQUE
30/01/2019 Riverside Cricket Club Open Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Kenjorwood BAKER T.
30/01/2019 Riverside Cricket Club Open Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Agree to CARR MLLE S.
30/01/2019 Heritage Isle Northern Hawks Netball Tea... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA West On Broadway MUHCU B.
23/01/2019 Thousand Guineas LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Swing It Sister BAKER T.
23/01/2019 Lady Lynette LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Zuberina CARR MLLE S.
23/01/2019 Class 3 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA I Remember You CARR MLLE S.
18/03/2015 Deloraine Hotel Benchmark 82 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Havana Stash PIRES D.
18/03/2015 Cock n Bull Benchmark 72 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Rose of Innocence PIRES D.
11/03/2015 The Cleaner Class 4 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Isn'T life strange THORNTON D.
11/03/2015 Geegees Blackflash Benchmark 72 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Acacia Bloom BAYLISS J.
11/02/2015 Launceston Open Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Havana Stash PIRES D.
21/01/2015 Stakes LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Hellova Street PIRES D.
21/01/2015 Stakes LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Royal Rapture DARMANIN A.
21/01/2015 Launceston Mitsubishi Class 2 LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Ritzy Bar PIRES D.
17/12/2014 Launceston Mitsubishi Conquering Wfa LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Banca mo PIRES D.
17/12/2014 Launceston Mitsubishi Conquering Wfa LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Royal Rapture DARMANIN A.
17/12/2014 Launceston Mitsubishi Conquering Wfa LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Streetwise Savoire ROSE N.
17/12/2014 Bartholemew Chartered Accountants Class ... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Ritzy Bar PIRES D.
10/12/2014 Tasmanian Hotel Supplies Class 4 Handica... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Acacia Bloom PARISH C.
10/12/2014 Statewide Linen Service Benchmark 82 Han... LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Lander Dollar PIRES D.
10/12/2014 Cripps Nubake Class 1 Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Perplexing PIRES D.
03/12/2014 Kevin Sharkie Newmarket Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Hellova Street HOLLAND D.
03/12/2014 Kevin Sharkie Newmarket Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Banca mo BRUCE MLLE C.
03/12/2014 Kevin Sharkie Newmarket Handicap LAUNCESTON TASMANIA Royal Rapture BENBOW J.

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